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Golden Laced Polish Chicken
Hatchery® offers the Golden Laced Polish, a unique variety within the Polish breed. This rare breed chicken features a beard, a crest of feathers, and visually appealing gold, black, and brown coloring. Whether you’re looking for a chicken for exhibition or a great pet this breed is the perfect choice. The hen will lays small eggs. Place your order for Golden Laced Polish chicks today. Give us a call if you have any questions for a member of the Hatchery® team!
Breed Facts
- Poultry Show Class: Continental
- Weights – Hen—–4 1/2 lbs
Rooster——6 lbs
Pullet—4 lbs
Cockerel—–5 lbs - Purpose and Type: Egg Laying; Exhibition
- Egg Shell Color: White
- Egg Production: Good
- Egg Size: Medium
- Temperament: Docile/Flighty
- Fertility Percentage: 40-55%
- Broody: Non Setters
- Mating Ratio: 7 Females to 1 Male
- Roost Height: 2 to 4 feet
- Country of Origin – Netherlands
- APA: Yes, Recognized by the American Standard of Perfection in 1874.
- TLC: Watch Status, Considered a sustainable heritage chicken breed.
- Breeder Farm Source: “Hatchery® Poultry Breeding Farm” developing our bloodline or strain of color varieties of the Polish chicken since 1971.